Protocol of the General Assembly of Balkan Federation of Apicultural Associations, February 10, 2007, Pleven, Bulgaria
The General Assembly of Balkan Federation of Apicultural Associations took place on February 10, 2007 in Pleven, Bulgaria. The following participants took part:
- Kosta Kostov & Stefan Stefanov, Bulgaria
- Stella Papanastasiou, Greece
- Petko Zlatev & Mirce Goce Nastoski, Republic of Macedonia
- Eugen Zorici & Petre Moraru, Romania
- Zivoslav Stojanovic & Milenko Radosavovic, Serbia
- Cristian Constantinescu, FIITEA Apimondia
- According to the Decision of the meeting in Istanbul of January 29, 2007 Mr. Cristian Constantinescu received the mandate to represent Turkish Apicultural Association at the meeting in Pleven, Bulgaria.
Before starting the meeting, Secretary General Stefan Stefanov informed and handed over to participating delegates, copies of official documents concerning legal registration of Balkan Federation of Apicultural Associations. The official data are also attached.
The meeting was opened by Kosta Kostov, President of Balkan Federation. After a short discussion the following agenda was approved:
- Information on participation and events in Pleven concerning “Beekeeping Fair, Pleven, Bulgaria 2007” and the program schedule of the Balkan Federation meeting. Report by Kosta Kostov, President.
- Discussion on issues concerning the First Balkan Federation Congress and Apiexpo in Istanbul, Turkey in the period of March 29 – April 1st, 2007.
Report by Cristian Constantinescu, Vice President.
- Scientific Sessions during Congress and approval of scientific reports.
Report by Stefan Stefanov, Secretary General.
- Discussion on Bulgarian proposal to organize a joint Congress of Balkan Federation and Apislavia, in Bulgaria.
Report by Stefan Stefanov, Secretary General.
- Decision on the location for the following General Assembly meeting of Balkan Federation of Apicultural Associations.
There have been intensive and efficient debates on all Meeting Agenda items.
In the end the following Decisions were adopted:
On the Second Agenda Issue
- Member organizations have developed an intensive promotion work in favour of the Congress in Istanbul. All promotion ways have been used – announcements in beekeeping magazines, press conferences, meetings with beekeepers, correspondence, tourist offices, press interviews. The national beekeeping organizations will keep going on promoting the Congress in order to ensure a participation of no less then 100-200 participants from each country member.
- Each country of the Balkan Federation should participate with stands at Apiexpo.
- The participants suggest that the organizers should extend the deadline for early registration fee (Euro 120.00) until March 1st, 2007.
- It has been agreed that the daily Apiexpo visit fee should be of Euro 30/person.
- The companies hiring stands have the right to get free access for two assistants for the stand.
On the Third Agenda Issue
- Confirmation of all papers’ entries on all Scientific Commissions. The following number of reports has been approved this time: Turkey 10, Romania 8, Bulgaria 5, Arab countries 5, Greece 2, Serbia 2, FIITEA 1.
- Each speaker may present no more than two reports, except for speakers from Serbia and Republic of Macedonia who may present more than two reports if necessary.
- Each speaker/participant has to send via e-mail to Federation Secretariat and FIITEA abstracts (summaries) of reports not later than February 25, 2007. At the same time each organization should guarantee that the listed speakers are coming to Congress or are represented and by whom.
- Secretariat should then send all abstracts to Congress organizers not later than March 1st 2007.
On the Fourth Agenda Issue
The participants have approved the suggestion of President Kosta Kostov to hold the Congress of Balkan Federation together with 100 years anniversary of Apislavia in the autumn of 2010.
The suggestion was made on the basis of the Guide for Balkan Federation Congresses approved at the meeting in Bucharest of April 2006.
According to the Guide, Balkan Federation Congresses can be organized in pair years in order not to overlap with Apimondia Congresses. The only exception is the First Balkan Congress due to the short organizing time (less then one year) since the decision had been taken.
However, because there is a very long time in between the First and the following Balkan Congress the participants decided unanimously to examine the possibility of organizing a beekeeping regional event in-between. The concrete Decision will be taken during one of the Balkan Federation meetings scheduled for 2007.
On the Fifth Agenda Issue
The participants decided that in 2007 there will be two General Assembly meetings. The locations of the two meetings will be:
a) In Greece in June 2007;
b) In Serbia in October 2007.
Balkan Federation Secretariat, together with the host organizations will prepare and send over to participating organizations the Agenda of the meetings and the programme schedule of events.
Kosta Kostov, President
Cristian Constantinescu, Vice President
Stefan Stefanov, Secretary General
Stella Papanastasiou, Greece
Petko Zlatev, Republic of Macedonia
Mirce Goce Nastoski, Republic of Macedonia
Eugen Zorici, Romania
Petre Moraru, Romania
Zivoslav Stojanovic, Serbia
Milenko Radosavovic, Serbia/Montenegro (unofficial)